Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bit #44: Don't give up

Little Life Lesson and Bit of Grace 44: Even if you start to fail, but really want something, don't give up.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." ~Dory, Finding Nemo

This idea has particular meaning to me and to Good Will Grace.

You see, we love this concept and this idea. It is refreshing and is a great way to send bits of goodwill and grace in this crazy world.

Whitney, who writes our "Finding that Girl" piece is just phenomenal and has such wonderful ideas and her posts are always intriguing and funny. She is such a wonderful asset to us.

Life in this crazy world gets busy and sometimes this wonderful community of Good Will Grace has gone on the "backburner."

We apologize and vow that this year, this will not happen.

We want this community to grow and become a part of everyone's daily blog read.

If you have an ideas or suggestions for topics or "bits" or you would like to guest post with your take on little life lessons, we would love to hear from you. Email us at goodwillgrace@gmail.com

In this new year, it is a great way to renew that commitment and look forward to all that 2010 has to offer.

Happy, Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. I <3 Dory! And it's such a true quote... for so many reasons!


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